Louis Dautais

PhD Student, UCLouvain (CEMA-INCAL) & UPVM3 (ASM)

Archaeologist - Egyptology & Aegean Protohistory

Email : louisdautais@gmail.com See my CV on Academia

PhD Project

EGYPT AND THE AEGEAN WORLD (17th-12th c. BCE): a Global and Diachronic Approach to Their Interactions. - written in French

Supervisors : Dr. Prof. Charlotte Langohr (F.R.S.-FNRS - UCLouvain, AegIS) & Dr. Prof. Marc Gabolde (UPVM3, ENiM)


  • Since 2019 : PhD Candidate in Egyptology & in Aegean Archaeology (Research Fellow MESRI-ResEFE 2019-2022 / Collaboration Institut français d'archéologie orientale) in the framework of a International Dual Degree PhD between the Paul-Valéry Montpellier III University (UPVM3 – Montpellier, France) and the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain – Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).

  • 2018 : Master of Arts (summa cum laude) Ancient Worlds – specialized in Egyptology at the Paul-Valéry Montpellier III University (Montpellier, France)

  • 2016 : Bachelor of Arts (magna cum laude), Classical Archaeology with Egyptology at the Paul-Valéry Montpellier III University (Montpellier, France)

Research topics

  • Interconnections between the civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean (Egypt, Levant, Aegean, Cyprus and Anatolia) during the MBA & LBA (c. 2nd mill. BCE)

  • History of the polymorphic interactions between Ancient Egypt and Its Neighbors during the Late Bronze Age.

  • History of Ancient Egypt during the SIP & New Kingdom.

  • Historiography of Egypto-Aegean Studies : an in-between research area.

  • History of Egyptian Archaeology since the 19th century.

Current field projects

  • Since 2018 : Archaeologist (Trench Supervisor) in the French Mission of Plinthine (Mareotis, Egypt) - dir. Bérangère Redon (HiSoMA, IFAO - Cairo).

  • Since 2018 : Archaeologist (Trench Supervisor) in the French Mission of Tell Qilah (Cisjordan, Palestine) - dir. Sylvie Blétry (UPVM3).

  • 2016-2019 : Archaeologist (Trench Assistant) in the Belgian Archaeological Project of Sissi (Crete, Greece) - dir. Jan Driessen (UCLouvain, Belgian School of Athens).

Choice of publications/conferences (5 max.)

Dautais, L. 2021, « “C’est une multitude de navires-kftjw qu’il a faits pour moi...”. Sur l’égyptianité du bateau de type crétois », ENiM 14, p. 75-89.

Dautais, L. 2022, « Repenser les contacts entre Égyptiens et Égéens : un pas vers l’interculturalité ? » at the research seminar L’Égypte et l’étranger : regards croisés sur les interactions avec les mondes égéen et libyen à l’Âge du Bronze. organized by the Institut français d'archéologie orientale (Cairo, Egypt) - 26.01.2022.

Dautais, L., M. Gabolde & K. Birin. 2022. « La tablette comptable British Museum EA 29558 », ZÄS 149:2, p. 158-181.

Dautais, L. forthcoming. « Shape, Spirals, and Timber: On the identity of the Keftiu-ship in the Egyptian records. », in E. Panaïte (ed.), Meeting the Other: Transfers and cultural interactions around the Nile Valley (Proceedings of the International Conference held in Cairo, Ifao-PCMA, 27th-31th March 2021), (Polish Publications in Mediterranean Archaeology Series). Leuven: Peeters Publishers. - (accepted, November 2021)

Redon, B., L. Dautais, P. François, J. Marchand & M. Pesenti. forthcoming. « Produire du vin des Coteaux (tainiotikos) en Maréotide sous les Lagides. Le chai ptolémaïque de Plinthine », BIFAO 123. - (accepted, June 2022)

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